For lovers only <3
Penn Hills must have been THE spot to be.
With the tagline “for lovers only,” Penn Hills operated from 1960 to 2009 and offered all the heart shaped tubs, circle mattresses, and all the 360 mirrors you could handle.
Check out these old commercials to get the vibe of what this place must have been in the 70’s and 80’s.
With its retro-futuristic box architecture, waterfall on site, golf, archery, and tennis, Penn Hills seemed to have it all. Including even a fugitive! Although this event occurred after the resort closed It is worth noting. Cop killer Eric Frein was said to have stayed in the hotel in 2011 while on the run.
The damage from copper thieves and heartless vandals was very evident, I was sad that no mirror was unsheltered and I couldn’t photograph what it must have been like in its hay-day. There have also been a couple fires at the resort in recent years, someone on reddit mentioned to me it seems they were arson.
So sad to see it in this state, the buildings were so neat looking and the overall kitschy theme of this place must have been so fun for couples to be a part of.
I hope to post a video about this on my youtube channel in the coming months.