Grand Central's NEW BRIGHT boards

I was going home though GCT last night and I saw something that made me, well, a bit sad, bright blue light “modern” boards…

Now although these current boards are only 19 years old they just look so great with this grand space. It’s sad to see them go but the powers that be here at GCT say these new ones will be brighter and and more capable than the old ones. BUT They also said that the graphics on the new board will hearken back to the aesthetic of the historic screens...but not sure its quite there yet...

Not even close… :/

The only thing I can see is they tried to keep the type faces the same, serif sans-serif etc, otherwise they are not the same at all, and hardly historic ascetic...

What do you think? Tell me below.


I wasnt the only one that was upset.


Sigh, well let’s just hope that they don’t make the clock a digital clock next. JS

Erin Essex

Lover of IPAs before they were cool, Erin has been a growing craft enthusiast for almost 7 years and a homebrewer for about 2 years. She is currently seeking a cicerone certificate even though she thinks that the training to become a cicerone "takes all the fun out of beer."
Erin, by day, works as a UX/UI/Strategy Specialist for web and mobile applications.
IG @erinessex


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