The town that was...

Centralia PA was once a thriving town until a devastating underground mine fire completely changed everything. Come along with us as we explore this abandoned town (that inspired the game Silent Hill) and learn its story.

I hope to return in the winter sometime to see if we can find any steam from the fire. It has been said it has moved to the east.

Erin Essex

Lover of IPAs before they were cool, Erin has been a growing craft enthusiast for almost 7 years and a homebrewer for about 2 years. She is currently seeking a cicerone certificate even though she thinks that the training to become a cicerone "takes all the fun out of beer."
Erin, by day, works as a UX/UI/Strategy Specialist for web and mobile applications.
IG @erinessex


Abandoned 1930's brick factory


Feared childhood movies!