Abandoned 1930's brick factory

Beacon, NY, 66 miles north of New York City, was once home to Denning’s Point Brick Works. DPBW manufactured 1 million bricks every week, some of which are in the Empire State Building and Rockefeller center.

We explore whats left of DPBW in this video. The grounds are now part of a state park and open to the public. Which means that we wernt trespassing technically. :)

Erin Essex

Lover of IPAs before they were cool, Erin has been a growing craft enthusiast for almost 7 years and a homebrewer for about 2 years. She is currently seeking a cicerone certificate even though she thinks that the training to become a cicerone "takes all the fun out of beer."
Erin, by day, works as a UX/UI/Strategy Specialist for web and mobile applications.
IG @erinessex


The resort that inspired Dirty Dancing


The town that was...