The "Magic Mushrooms" story

I recently was asked by my friend Grant to appear on their story telling show called Awkward Teenage Years which streams live on Twitch during these times of social distancing.

The story I told was about a time in high school where I wanted to fit in and got more than i bargained for.

Thank you to all the other story tellers and all that came digitally to the show, was super fun!

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Here is a lovely photo of me my freshman year of high school where I thought i was such a badass.

Here is a lovely photo of me my freshman year of high school where I thought i was such a badass.

Erin Essex

Lover of IPAs before they were cool, Erin has been a growing craft enthusiast for almost 7 years and a homebrewer for about 2 years. She is currently seeking a cicerone certificate even though she thinks that the training to become a cicerone "takes all the fun out of beer."
Erin, by day, works as a UX/UI/Strategy Specialist for web and mobile applications.
IG @erinessex


Sharing experiences, creating connections


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